February 23, 2025

First things first, we have to understand what it means to lose virginity. The concept of virginity is a physical form and not a medical definition. The concept can be emphasised in many form including breaking the hymen, having a penis in vaginal sex and so forth. Ultimately, virginity is a concept raised up in many cultural beliefs and has not been defined in medical terms. For many, it is understood to lose virginity when you have your first sexual intercourse.

In this article, we will discuss the bodily effects a girl will face after having a sexual intercouse and how to generally overcome these side effects. Mostly, the side effects are not bad and do not cause any complications to health.

What happens to your body when you lose virginity?

  1. Soreness

Although sexual intercouse is seen as a pleasureable activity, it’s after effects could be pretty annoying and concerning to some. Soreness, simply means having muscle cramps after sex. The cramps can originate either from the pelvic floor muscles or the uterus.

During an orgasm in sex, the pelvic floor muscles contracts and releases completely, The release of these muscles is responsible for the pleasure gain in orgasm. However, in certain condition the pelvic floor muscle fails to relaxes completely, leading to a sore effect after sex.

Uterus cramp is also common in certain women and positions. A deep penetration of penis into the vagina can hit the uterus and this can give an uncomfortable pain and soreness after sexual intercourse.

  1. Burning feeling

It is quite common to have a burning sensation around your vagina after sexual intercourse. There are many reasons behind a burning sensation after sex including lack of lubcrication. When there is inadequate lubrication, the friction created by the penetration of penis causes swelling of the vaginal wall leading to mucosal tissue engorgement.

It could be also due to psychological and relationship reasons such as anxiety and distress about sex causing your mind to tense up and make the intercourse uncomfortable.

  1. Spotting after sex

For some women, they may experience blood spotting after having sex, This is probably due to trauma to the cervix causing a little bleeding. Other possible causes could be also due to tearing of the hymen, However, this does not happen to all girls as some girls have their hymen torn before sex due to vigourous exercises or tampon insertion.

These blood spotting will mostly disappear in a few days. Prolonged bleeding could be due to other health causes such as urinary tract infection or pelvic inflammatory disease.

  1. Vaginal itchiness

Some women have known allergies to certain lubricant products or latex. The usage of latex condoms and inappropriate lubricants can cause inflammatory conditions around the wall of vagina and start giving you an itchy sensation.

Do take note of the ingredients in the lubricants you use to avoid these vaginal itchiness.

  1. Breast and nipple changes

During sexual intercourse, some hormones in your body will surge and cause an increase in the flow of blood causing vasocongestion at the breast and nipple. This makes the breast congested and appear firmer. Apart from that the nipple and areola which is a darkened area around the nipple becomes more sensitive than usual. This is a temporary change following an arousal and usually will go away after days.

  1. Pregnancy

Not all sexual intercourse will result in pregnancy. Pregnancy only occurs when the sperm fertilizes the mature egg released from the ovary every month during the ovulation period. You will be suspecting pregnancy if you miss the period and experienced early symptoms of pregnancy.