February 23, 2025

Are you considering managing your own rental property in Pasadena? If so, there are many things you must think about. It is always recommended that you work with a Pasadena property management professional to save yourself time, stress, and legal liability. The following are important considerations when managing your property:

The Time You Have

Do you have the time to manage all of the activities involved in property management? You must prepare to advertise, know where to effectively advertise, take phone calls, make your property show-ready, and show your property. When you get interested applicants, you must screen them and prepare the lease and perform the walk-through inspection. Then, you will collect the rent every month and attend to calls for repairs and tenant issues. So, do you want to handle all of these?

Knowledge About the Law

If you want to manage your own rental property, you must be updated with the building codes and requirements. Also, you should understand the fair housing laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Part of managing a property is to understand the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act. You are expected to have knowledge of what you can and cannot do during the eviction process. Without the ability and knowledge to handle these things, you could face several lawsuits.

Insurance Coverage

You need to have insurance coverage that is enough to protect you against liability. You must be aware of what you can allow your tenants to do and what they can’t do. Also, you should have the correct smoke detectors installed and a mold policy to avoid bed bug and termite issues. 

Now that you already know what rental property management is about, it is time to ask yourself if you must self-manage your investment or hire a property management company. Although self-managing your property can save you money, hiring experts will save time. By having extra time, you can focus on investing in multiple properties, expand your real estate investment portfolio, and increase your rental yield. 

Moreover, hiring professional property managers will also save you the headaches associated with management duties. Many of these duties take some skills and experience to master. The services that property managers offer will facilitate all management aspects.