February 23, 2025

More CBD reviews are coming your way, but today we’ll be talking about something that has always bothered me: How to buy CBD flowers online? What stores sell good stuff? And most importantly, why should anyone care when there are lots of high-quality products available in dispensaries everywhere.

Well, let’s get started then! I am not sure how many of you know this, but hemp is very easy to grow. Just plant the seeds on any piece of fertile land and give it sunlight, water, and love. Then wait for months while the plant matures. Does CBD flower give you a high? You’ll end up with bushels of hemp leaves to make all sorts of wonderful products like cloth, bio-fuel… But the most important product you can get from hemp is CBD (cannabidiol), one of the main ingredients in cannabis that gives all its healing properties without getting you high.

As far as I know there are 3 ways to get CBD flower online:

1) Order directly from a European country with legal medical marijuana laws that allow mail-order delivery. Industrial hemp is cultivated legally in several European countries, so chances are if you’re looking for good quality stuff, it will be available somewhere in Europe. Some companies will even send the CBD flower straight to your door without you ever seeing it. This is probably the most legal way to buy CBD flowers in bulk quantities.

2) Buy legally cultivated hemp flowers in America with ridiculously high THC percentages so they qualify as “hemp” under federal law. Since it is very easy for anyone with some basic farming knowledge to grow hemp, this is the only sustainable solution when prohibition ends in America and all our domestic dispensaries start growing their weed outside where anyone can steal it. The downside of this strain of cannabis is that it will be full of poor quality cannabinoids like CBN (cannabinol), which are great but will not give you any noticeable positive effects (good or bad, although reports say negative effects are almost nonexistent).

3) Buy CBD flowers online directly from China (the most reliable supplier in my experience), where it is legal to import industrial hemp because the government there has legalized the cultivation of all varieties of cannabis for industrial purposes. The downside of this strain of cannabis is that it will not be full-spectrum like American/European hemp, but will only contain CBD and very little amounts of other cannabinoids (if any at all, please note that some Chinese suppliers are lying about their products being full spectrum).